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, by Michael A. Singer

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Product details
File Size: 1370 KB
Print Length: 199 pages
Publisher: New Harbinger Publications; 1 edition (October 3, 2007)
Publication Date: October 3, 2007
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#1,888 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I give the first 37 pages a five star review. Michael Singer gives a wonderful​ example of how you are lost in a dream-like state. You are at the mercy of every thought that arises in your mind and you have no idea of what's happening. He wonderfully shines a light on the process that is happening to you and if you are paying attention, you could discover one of the most important ideas you could ever learn; you are not your thoughts. The first 37 pages are worth the price of admission and I have added this book to my personal lending library.Unfortunately, everything after that is similar to explaining what a shadow looks like to a blind person. He will tell you about some pretty amazing stuff but he won't tell you how to get there. You should buy his book, it will give you one of the best explanations as to why you should meditate, but it won't tell you how to meditate or attain it's benefits.I would recommend reading Mindfulness in plain English after reading this book. It will give you basic instructions on what to do next. As a warning though, it has some brief supernatural references, please just ignore them if they offend you, it really does contain a great instruction on how to meditate and loose the bonds that shackle you to anger, anxiety, depression and whatever else you are suffering from. Best of all.....You will do it by yourself.
As other one star reviewers have noted, the book is disorganized, full of empty phrases, and lacking in any fundamental actions that a reader might take to achieve the bliss promised herein. Some pearls of wisdom: “It is actually possible to never have another problem for the rest of your life.†“Any time you’re having trouble with something, think of death.†“How you learn to stay open is up to you. The ultimate trick is to not close. If you don’t close, you will have learned to stay open.“ “For there to be manifest creation, energy must get in the dynamic of cycling around itself to create a stable unit.†I suspect that the overwhelming positive reviews of the book are influenced by adherents to the author’s philosophy and beliefs. To be clear: I’m not criticizing those beliefs, just the book.
I read the audio version of this book multiple times, bought copies of it for clients, and shared it with friends. Never have I read a book that so radically transformed the way I think. It was remarkably freeing to become so aware of how much I allowed my own thoughts to run my life. After reading Michael's book, I simply allowed irrelevant, erroneous, totally made up thoughts to just float on by without attaching my emotions to them. THAT was freeing!Most human beings are completely unaware that most of the thoughts in our mind are complete untrue. YET, we believe them, follow them, become emotionally entangled in them, allow them to change our mood, allow them to change our behavior.This book was also freeing in the sense that I let go of needing others to behave in a certain way in order for me to be OK. The reason I was't OK had nothing to do with anyone outside myself. It was a miraculous shift within me (to say the very least), when I realized I was trying to manipulate outside circumstances for me to feel OK in life.When I realized the shift needed to be made within ME for me to be OK in life, total game changer! I let everyone off the hook and stepped into unconditional peace and unconditional joy! Have you ANY idea what life is like when your own peace/joy is totally UNCONDITIONAL? It means you don't need anyone to change or be different for you to be happy. It means no-one outside yourself controls how you FEEL. It means you're no longer an emotional puppet on the string of everyone else's behavior, attitudes, decisions, choices, etc. YOU feel inner joy/peace no matter what. Hello?! Total game changer!I LOVED the audio version of the book because the person who read it was perfect for the content. Not to mention the ability to hit replay a million times on the parts that were SO transformative.This was a unique book. I've read TONS of other books on similar topics but the way Michael conveyed the material was unique and different and I really GOT IT! Thank you Michael Singer for the growth, expansion, and transformations you inspired within my very soul. My soul now largely "untethered" from the constant (and mostly irrelevant) chatter of the mind. :) I am a new person as a result of this book (and a few other audios I purchased from Michael's website which expanded upon what he taught in the book).
Singer's message is well known: The way for the soul to become unteathered is for us to realize you are not your thoughts, sensations, or pain--you are the witness of these. You can look at events from the seat of awareness or the seat of disturbance. You keep your infinite soul in a house made of your model of the world and expectations of people. When you approach your walls, you will feel insecurity and fear, but if you stay in the witness position these tensions will pass through you. But then Singer becomes dogmatic: "At all times remain conscious in the face of pain; Don't allow events to leave residue inside of you; you must decide if you want to be happy and commit to being happy ALL the time because God doesn't want to be around people who are miserable. (?) Fortunately in the last chapter he corrects this egregious, error saying God is non judging and sees only beauty in us. I would hypothesize that God loves us in spite of our shortcomings.
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